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General Collection Letter



[First Name of recipient] [Last Name of recipient]
[Company Name of recipient]
[Street Address of recipient]
[State of recipient] [Zip Code of recipient]

Dear [Mr./Mrs. recipient] [Last Name of recipient]:

This is a reminder that your payment of $ [Amount of payment] is being awaited. If you have already sent the payment please disregard this notice. The missing payment is perhaps due to an oversight or other pressing matters. If there are vital reasons why you cannot make the full payment at this time, please give us the courtesy of an explanation and reply today.

Credit, whether personally or in business, is a precious commodity for all of us. It helps all of us live better and satisfy our gratifications more quickly.

But like any delicate commodity, good credit needs to be nurtured. One slight and credit can be damaged. May we suggest that you check on this missing payment and either send us a check for the amount due or a reason for being unable to make full payment today. We are, after all, as anxious to keep your business as you are to do business with us.

